William Laurent

Three Grapes Digital – Head of Content/CMO
Tokyo, Japan
Will’s writing is regularly featured in top lifestyle and business publications worldwide.
He has advised over 30 Fortune 500 companies across North America and Asia on content strategy, design, and analytics. He is an influential educator, writer, artist, and dad joke pro whose artwork and NFTs have become sought-after collectibles.
As a painter in the 80s/90s, William was deeply involved in the graffiti art scenes of New York City and Philadelphia.
In the mid-90s he put down his spray cans to work in the hi-tech jungles of Tokyo and New York.
Today William writes and speaks about AI, Web3, AsiaTech, and the creative process.
AI in Music – William Laurent, Journalist
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamlaurent/?originalSubdomain=jp
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WilliamLaurent3