Research Papers AllResearch Papers Preparing Auditors for the Blockchain Oracle Problem Blockchain-Based Decentralized Cloud Solutions for Data Transfer Blockchain-Based Decentralized Cloud/Fog Solutions: Challenges, Opportunities, and Standards Decentralized Cloud Storage using Blockchain Decentralized Cloud Manufacturing-as-a-Service (CMaaS) Platform Architecture with Configurable Digital Assets Hybrid Edge Cloud: A Pragmatic Approach for Decentralized Cloud Computing Toward Decentralized Cloud Storage with IPFS: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Considerations Decentralized Cloud-SDN Architecture in Smart Grid: A Dynamic Pricing Model Distributed Blockchain Price Oracle Truthful Decentralized Blockchain Oracles On Public Crowdsource-Based Mechanisms for a Decentralized Blockchain Oracle Blockchain Oracles: State-of-the-Art and Research Directions A Distributed Oracle Using Intel SGX for Blockchain-Based IoT Applications Blockchain Oracles: A Framework for Blockchain-Based Applications Foundational Oracle Patterns: Connecting Blockchain to the Off-chain World Collective Computing-Based on Swarm Intelligence Reservoir Computing with Swarms A libP2P Implementation of the Bitcoin Block Exchange Protocol Off-Chaining Models and Approaches to Off-Chain Computations Decentralized Computation Offloading Game for Mobile Cloud Computing Scalable Model-Based Decentralized Applications in the Cloud Using Certificates and Blockchains DEPINT: Dependence-Based Coalition Formation in an Open Multi-Agent Scenario P2P Computing Mode and Its Application in Flow Computation Reliability Analysis for Blockchain Oracles Securing Resources in Decentralized Cloud Storage Peer-to-Peer Models for Resource Discovery on Grids Decentralized Edge Clouds Decentralized Network for Cloud Storage P2PCS – A Pure Peer-to-Peer Computing System for Large Scale Computation Problems A Decentralized Virtual Machine Migration Approach of Data Centers for Cloud Computing Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds Decision Strategies for a P2P Computing System