Research Papers AllResearch Papers Decentralized Cloud Storage using Blockchain Decentralized Cloud Manufacturing-as-a-Service (CMaaS) Platform Architecture with Configurable Digital Assets Hybrid Edge Cloud: A Pragmatic Approach for Decentralized Cloud Computing Toward Decentralized Cloud Storage with IPFS: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Considerations Decentralized Cloud-SDN Architecture in Smart Grid: A Dynamic Pricing Model Preparing Auditors for the Blockchain Oracle Problem Blockchain-Based Decentralized Cloud Solutions for Data Transfer Blockchain-Based Decentralized Cloud/Fog Solutions: Challenges, Opportunities, and Standards Distributed Blockchain Price Oracle Truthful Decentralized Blockchain Oracles On Public Crowdsource-Based Mechanisms for a Decentralized Blockchain Oracle Blockchain Oracles: State-of-the-Art and Research Directions A Distributed Oracle Using Intel SGX for Blockchain-Based IoT Applications Blockchain Oracles: A Framework for Blockchain-Based Applications Foundational Oracle Patterns: Connecting Blockchain to the Off-chain World Collective Computing-Based on Swarm Intelligence Reservoir Computing with Swarms A libP2P Implementation of the Bitcoin Block Exchange Protocol Off-Chaining Models and Approaches to Off-Chain Computations P2P Computing Mode and Its Application in Flow Computation Reliability Analysis for Blockchain Oracles Securing Resources in Decentralized Cloud Storage Peer-to-Peer Models for Resource Discovery on Grids Decentralized Edge Clouds Decentralized Network for Cloud Storage P2PCS – A Pure Peer-to-Peer Computing System for Large Scale Computation Problems A Decentralized Virtual Machine Migration Approach of Data Centers for Cloud Computing Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds Decentralized Computation Offloading Game for Mobile Cloud Computing Scalable Model-Based Decentralized Applications in the Cloud Using Certificates and Blockchains DEPINT: Dependence-Based Coalition Formation in an Open Multi-Agent Scenario Decision Strategies for a P2P Computing System